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Women in Horror Spotlight: Holly Rae Garcia

Today's spotlight is on Holly Rae Garcia, author of PARACHUTE and FLESH COMMUNION. Holly resides in Texas and is a member of the HWA.

Read on to discover Holly's thoughts on being a woman in horror and what it means to her!



What defines “horror” for you?  

It's hard to define since what horrifies each person is subjective, but for me a good horror story either terrifies you, creeps you out, or disgusts you. I vehemently despise the term "elevated horror" as it implies other forms are contemptible. Whether it's extreme, sci-fi, psychological, or any of the other sub-genres, the horror umbrella contains a myriad of styles to make almost anyone horrified, or at the very least uncomfortable.

What is your personal favorite horror movie or story and why?

The original King Kong (1933) is my favorite horror movie, along with most of the sequels and remakes. You have this "monster" that's been given the human qualities of curiosity, anger, and love. The audience cares what happens to this guy and the ending is not a happy one. I've been interested in apes ever since I watched Gorillas in the Mist about Dian Fossey when I was around nine years old. Later in high school, when Congo was coming to theaters, I grabbed the book and sped through it (because of course you have to read the book first). I also love the Jurassic Park franchise, but I understand not everyone considers them to be horror movies. For genuine discomfort, movies like Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer or Creep come to mind. If I want to lose sleep at night, I'll watch home invasion movies like The Strangers.

What is your favorite thing about being a female author in the horror industry?

Honestly? The other women. I love this tribe of females who are all on this up-hill climb together and understand that it isn't a competition; when one of us does well it helps level out that road for the rest of us. 


What differences do you believe women bring to the table within the horror industry, and why are those differences impactful and important, in your opinion?

We experience the world in a way that men don't, where too often the horror is inflicted upon us. I think this gives us a unique perspective that deserves to be heard. 


Have you faced any challenges as a woman in the mostly male-dominated world of horror? If so, what were they and how did you overcome them? 

At conventions, when I sit with or otherwise hang out with male colleagues, it's been assumed that I'm there "with" them. As if there would be no other reason for a woman to 1) be at a horror convention, or 2) be sitting at a table with a man. We deserve to be at every table and to be taken seriously regardless of what's in our pants. In that instance, I firmly corrected the person and they apologized profusely. The genre is still mostly men, so convention panel attendees and guests of honor are also still mostly men. The sausage-fest isn't uncommon, but we're determined if anything. Women have blazed trails through much rougher terrain than this, so I have hope that it'll get better in the future.

What advice do you have for the next generation of female horror authors? 

Persevere. Claim your seat at the table and write even though you may feel like your voice isn't being heard. 

Holly's Bio:

Holly is a member of the Horror Writers Association and the Alliance of Independent Authors. She lives on the Texas Coast with her family. You can often find her reading, watching horror movies, or playing poker. More information can be found at


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